a group of black woman feeling sad

Trauma therapy can help you ease your pain

If any of this sounds familiar, please believe you are not alone.

Are you feeling lost after a breakup? Are you just going through the motions?  Do you feel disconnected from everything and everyone? Are you lying awake at night and not getting much sleep? Is it taking all you've got to make it through each day?

a black woman holding herself with a frown
a black woman covering her eyes thinking about trauma
a black woman holding her knees looking down

You are not alone.

Living everyday life through a trauma lens can be exhausting. Trauma is stored in the brain and body in ways that you may not be aware of because the event is no longer happening to you. This can make it increasingly difficult to connect with the people and things around you that matter the most. 

Trauma feels like finding yourself stuck in a cycle of daily fear and anxiety, lack of fulfillment, and constant stress that leaves you feeling numb after trying to push it down and keep it moving. Trauma also affects your thinking through negative thoughts about yourself and the world around you that are in a constant loop in your mind. You don’t feel safe or secure and you question everyone and everything, destroying your ability to trust.

Trauma can also be more subtle than what you may be thinking. The things that happen to us like being ignored by a caregiver, interpersonal conflicts between you and someone else like a coworker or family member, cheating or a difficult breakup, and harsh words spoken to us that build up over time can lead to trauma too.  

According to Mental Health America, people who took a screening on their site, who reported moderate to severe symptoms, 53% identified past trauma for at least one of the main factors for their mental health issues. You do not have to sort through this alone. You can create a major shift in your life today by taking the first step to begin trauma therapy.

The types of trauma:

  • Emotional Trauma: Psychological or emotional trauma happens when you experience an extraordinarily stressful or frightening event that threatens your sense of safety and leaves lasting effects on your brain and body long after the event has passed. Realizing that you may be living with emotional trauma may be difficult because it affects the parts of you that no one can see-your soul, mind, and spirit. Emotional trauma may happen to you after a one-time event, like an unexpected accident or an attack, or it may be ongoing. Chronic stress such as relationship or work-related issues, or battling a life-threatening illness may also potentially cause psychological trauma. Other less recognizable causes of emotional trauma can be identified as the break-up of a significant relationship, being on the receiving end of deliberately cruel treatment, and having a deeply humiliating or disappointing experience. 

  • Childhood trauma: Childhood trauma is a scary, violent, or life-threatening event that can be potentially traumatic for the child involved.  Childhood trauma happens during the first 17 years of life (0-17 years old).  Events that can be classified as traumas include violence, abuse and neglect, household challenges experienced by a caretaker, and other adversities. Childhood trauma can impact you in many different ways including disturbed sleep and recurring nightmares, anger, anxiety and or panic attacks, and depression.  Many people also experience feeling exhausted, difficulty concentrating, disordered eating, impulsiveness, and difficulty maintaining relationships.  According to data collected for the ongoing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Study, 61% of adults have experienced at least one Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE). You may be asking yourself if you have experienced childhood trauma; you are not alone. Living with these symptoms can negatively affect your daily life, however, your childhood experiences do not have to control the rest of your adult life. You can be in control of your own life and heal from the experiences of your past.

Our Approach

We utilize different types of therapies to help our clients work through their trauma.

Eye-movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy has been extensively researched and is proven to help people heal from trauma and other stressful experiences including anxiety, depression and PTSD. This therapy works by identifying negative thoughts and memories and replacing them with positive thoughts and emotions to help your brain continue to heal naturally. EMDR helps stressful and traumatic memories lose their intensity.

Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is a common type of “Talk Therapy”. CBT is used to treat a variety of issues like depression and anxiety and can be easily combined with other forms of treatment. CBT therapy works to help you address current issues and apply what you are learning in your daily life.  

a black woman looking up smiling with peace
a black woman smiling
a black woman smiling and touching her cheek


You may believe therapy can help you but you still have questions about trauma therapy.

a black woman smiling at her phone
  • Therapy can provide a protected space for you to share your traumatic experiences to begin the process of healing. Therapy can bring up thoughts and feelings related to your traumatic experiences, possibly making you feel temporarily unpleasant. This is often a part of the process. You can share your pain at your own pace while feeling seen, supported and understood by your therapist.

  • You can heal from trauma without therapy, but therapy could accelerate the process. At Vibe Healing Center, we value community and relationship and understand what those containers can do for human healing. Being seen and compassionately supported through the therapeutic relationship versus healing in isolation can have a ripple effect on your entire life and change the way you view connection. Building a healthy therapeutic relationship with your counselor may empower you to build other healthy connections. Relationships are essential to life.

  • Trauma therapy listens, validates, holds space for you and your feelings, educates, and empowers. Trauma therapy helps you confront the things in your life that are holding you back from fulfillment, ease, joy, love and abundance in your life. It gives you a new outlook on life.

a black woman looking out the window smiling

Ready to start your healing journey?

Contact us today to schedule a free 10-minute phone call for us to discuss how we can help you.